LandscapE Design

Make your yard irresistable to birds.

While feeders can be an important supplement to a wild bird’s diet, they are still the avian equivalent of fast food – rich in macronutrients, but not ultimately a source of every bit of nutrition a bird needs to survive and thrive. You can make your property more attractive to birds and other wildlife by establishing plants that provide complete nutrition year round.

I’ve combed through the lists, guides, and other publications covering the native plants of East Tennessee to select those which are the most attractive to our local bird community. The timespans given are not necessarily for individual plants; rather, they represent the period over which members of that species can be found to bear fruit or nectar.

Are you looking for a way to incorporate any of these, or other native plants, into your landscape? Message me and I’ll be happy to weigh in!

Among the fruits and berries, tier one includes the species that are the most productive and have been recorded drawing in the greatest number and variety of species. Tier two includes those which may not be as productive in absolute terms, but which provide additional benefits, such as being especially easy to grow, and/or able to grow in more marginal habitat.
English nameLatinAvailability
Tier OneServiceberryAmelanchier spp.XX
Red mulberryMorus rubraXX
BlueberryVaccinium spp.XXXXXX
HuckleberryGaylussacia spp.XXXXXX
BlackberryRubus spp.XX
Black cherryPrunus serotinaXX
ElderberrySambucus canadensisXXX
BlackgumNyssa sylvaticaXXX
GrapeVitis spp.XXX
Flowering dogwoodCornus floridaXXX
Silky dogwoodCornus amomumXXXX
Poison ivyToxicodendron radicansXXXX
InkberryIlex glabraXXXXX
WinterberryIlex verticillataXXXXX
American hollyIlex opacaXXXX
Eastern redcedarJuniperus virginianaXXXX
PossumhawIlex deciduaXXXX
Tier TwoSumacRhus spp.XXXXX
SassafrasSassafras albidumXX
FringetreeChionanthus virginicusXXXX
Virginia creeperParthenocissus quinquefoliaXXX
HackberryCeltis occidentalisXXX
PokeweedPhytolacca americanaXXX
SpicebushLindera benzoinXX
BeautyberryCallicarpa americanaXXXX
ViburnumViburnum spp.XXXXX
PersimmonDiospyros virginianaXXX
HawthornCrataegus spp.XXX
GreenbrierSmilax spp.XXXX
ChokeberrySorbus arbutifoliaXXX
Devil's walkingstickAralia spinosaXXXX
MistletoePhoradendron serotinumXX
English nameLatinAvailability
Carolina jessamineGelsemium sempervirensXXX
BuckeyeAesculus spp.XXX
Red columbineAquilegia canadensisXXX
AzaleaRhododendron spp.XX
Lyreleaf sageSalvia lyrataXX
IrisIris spp.XX
CrossvineBignonia capreolataXX
Coral honeysuckleLonicera sempervirensXXXX
Fire pinkSilene virginicaXXXX
Indian pinkSpigelia marilandicaXX
New Jersey teaCeanothus americanusXX
BeardtonguePenstemon spp.XX
PassionflowerPassiflora incarnataXXX
PhloxPhlox spp.XXXX
MallowHibiscus spp.XXXX
BeebalmMonarda spp.XXXX
Trumpet vineCampsis radicansXXXXX
JewelweedImpatiens capensisXXXXX
Blazing starLiatris spicataXXX
LobeliaLobelia spp.XXXX
Questions? Message me!